Thursday, June 26, 2008

lesson comment & Quantz question

Almost ready? Why the reluctance if nobody follows your advice exactly anyway? Go for it! Money back guarantee--yes!

Does one have to take private lessons to get the prescriptions, or will you share them on-line to those of us who don't have the opportunity to take private lessons (yet!)?

I've got a question for the group. Does anyone have a recommendation for an edition of the Op. 2 trio sonatas by Quantz? Such as QV 2:7, 2:8, 2:17, 2:19, 2:36, 2:40, 2:41a, or 2:43.


Quantzalcoatl said...

Hi Ernie,

The 20-minute workout is the foundation/prescription. The long tone practice, the slow practice forward and backward, use of the metronome, and the trill practice. Of course, if one has more practice time available, I'd make the tone exercises section longer (one could then easily add the exercises posted by Asuncion), and spend more time on the music practice.

Quantzalcoatl said...

Addendum: When I'm working on tone exercises, and trills, for that matter, I often have the TV on with the sound muted and captions on.

Or . . . when cooking something that requires occasionaly stirring or attention, I do the tone work in the kitchen.

Multitasking takes some of the meditative aspect away, but the work gets done and progress is made.

Quantzalcoatl said...

Addendum secondum:
Add the use of the mirror as you start to fine tune your pieces.

Quantzalcoatl said...

For the Quantz:

Try Amadeus Verlag

or . . .

or . . . download one for free from here: