Saturday, August 2, 2008

2008 Boot Camp Epilogue: I feel like practicing

Thanks, everyone, for making this particular boot camp the most enjoyable in the 10 years I've been having it. It was quite an experience to have everyone dive in with such gusto, and work well while being out of your respective comfort zones.

As I was walking the dog after leaving Hale's Ales, I really felt like practicing. I suppose I could take the afternoon off, and perhaps Sunday as well, but I do have what is essentially a solo recital on September 2, here in Seattle. On the other hand, and I hope I am not alone, I am what one might call exhausted, mentally and physically.

During the coming week it will all sink in and all of the things I made mental notes of to address in my own practicing will make themselves evident. The workshop really does help me to become a better player. The nitpicking on individuals are almost always things that I see in my own playing. You all are, in a sense, teaching me.

There were some awards to be handed out today but, as usual, I ran short of time between Friday night and Saturday morning, so I will have to send them via the post.

I'll post photos as they come in to me. For now, watch this space for those few I (or Sam, Rich, and George) took with my camera.

Thank you all again!


1 comment:

Joan said...

Hi all,

I echo Kim's comment, but am exhausted, in a good way. It was an amazing week! There's really nothing that can compare to Boot camp in sheer quality and quantity of input.
One of the things I want to do over the next year is familiarize myself with the Baroque flute repetoire. I just visited Silver Platters at Northgate and their selection was pretty dismal. Is there anywhere better in the greater Seattle area or online to find good quality recordings? If anyone has ideas or would share their favourite recordings, I would be most grateful! I'd especially like 1) music that accessible to less experienced players 2) a great recording of the Boismortier piece Janet had for 3? 4? 5? flutes? 2)a recording of the Telemann piece I played at the final recital.
Thanks everyone for a great week, and thanks to Kim for making it all happen!
